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31 Life realizations by Tannaz Hosseinpour

  1. Don’t expect to be perfect. Perfection means reaching the final level of your favourite game. How boring would it be if you were stuck on the last level for 5 decades until you pass away?

  2. The deeper my relationship with god, myself and the universe gets, the calmer and safer I feel. The awareness of oneness helps me feel protected and supported.

  3. Pause. There is a solution to every single problem, even if you can't see it right away so trust the challenge, and have certainty in the process.

  4. Relationships fall into place at divine timing so let go of the how and when, and just focus on embodying the best version of yourself and actually enjoying your life.

  5. Surround yourself with supportive people who accept your present self while also inspiring you to tap into your higher self. As Sophia Bush beautifully said, we are a work in progress and a masterpiece at the same time.

  6. Always maintain a student mentality. Be open to learning from others. There will never be a point where we’ll know it all. I.e: If someone is successful at business, study them. Their success leaves clues.

  7. Read more books. They're shortcuts to expanding our perspective on life. It’s also good to know a little bit about everything.

  8. Life is too short to tolerate any form of abuse or neglect from literally anyone. Don’t try to fix them or show them how they’re wrong. Send them love and walk away.

  9. Our legacy is the contributions we believe we’ve made to our community whether it's through our career, our hobbies or our philanthropic work.

  10. Care more, about people you don’t know, about causes that don’t directly affect your life, because believe it or not, we're all connected, and whatever good we put out in the world, always comes back to us in ten fold ... when we least expect it.

  11. Evil eye is just judgmental energy we've sent out into the universe that is coming back to us. I dive deeper into this in episode 99 of the minutes on growth podcast.

  12. Smile more. We’re responsible for the energy we take into places. I can't tell you how many times I've heard my clients tell me in sessions that a stranger's smile changed their mood.

  13. Not every relationship is meant to last forever (this is a Disney construct!) In fact, we can have multiple soul-mates throughout our life. Every relationship provides us with wisdom, so let us appreciate the lessons it provided us and allow ourselves to cut the energetic cord when the time arrives.

  14. Choose people who choose you, who reciprocate your energy. They're good for your mental health, so never take them for granted and put effort in those dynamics

  15. Express genuine appreciation more often to your partner, friends, co workers and family members. Everyone wants to feel seen and valued, so let us play our role in ensuring those in our lives feel that energy from us.

  16. Always have your phone’s note app open or a notebook nearby. You never know when creativity knocks on your door, so always be ready to write down the inspiration that is flowing through you.

  17. Travel as often as you can. It widens your perspective.

  18. Start every morning with gratitude and by asking guidance from the universe “tell me where to go, what to say and who to say it to”. I've personally noticed that the quality of my day significantly increases when I engage in this morning ritual.

  19. Stop judging yourself for your mistakes. Everyone messes up. Reflect on them. Learn the lesson. Apologize. Move forward.

  20. Avoid blaming others (parents, economy, the person who cut you off in traffic). Take accountability for your experience of reality. Its not life's circumstances that define our experience of reality but our response to those circumstances, so always be in the drivers seat of your own life.

  21. Communicate your needs, expectations, triggers (if there is emotional safety in the dynamic).. because literally no one on this planet is a mind reader.

  22. Let people live their own lives. Who cares what they wear, who they sleep with or what they do for a living? Constant note to self: any judgment passed always come back to us.

  23. Pause. Journal before reacting. Write down your feelings, your thoughts, your experiences.. release it all to the pages as a form of mastering the art of self soothing.

  24. Pause. Walk more. especially when triggered. It’s impossible to not experience a mood boost after a walk outside

  25. Allow your inner child to play more often. Dance in the supermarket aisles. Go to the arcade. Paint with your hands. Let loose

  26. Save money if you can. Not for a rainy day but for a joyous day! To go on trips, start a side businesses, purchase real estate, throw yourself a party🤍

  27. Cry more. It’s not a sign of weakness. It’s a powerful form of releasing heavy emotions.

  28. Fill your home or personal space with affirmations that you’d like to bring to life. Repeat it until your mind truly believes it.

  29. Intention matters. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Get out of autopilot mode.

  30. Do your best. Your absolute best. Every single day. Without need for recognition or validation. Do it for you...because thats the true definition of integrity.

  31. Lastly...The universe will always reward you for your courage. People might become uncomfortable when you speak your truth or show up fully as your authentic self - but their reaction isn't personal.. It's their own movie...Do what works for you.

thank you for reading, speak soon, Tannaz Hosseinpour

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